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Research Park TDM

Sustainable Transportation at Research Park is a new initiative to link the Research Park community. We provide you with resources to better access your Research Park destinations and to connect with others in the community.


Transportation demand management, often referred to as TDM, means making more efficient use of transportation resources. For companies and other organizations like those in Research Park, TDM is the primary way to directly improve the transportation system in a constrained urban environment.

TDM is often synonymous with reducing the number of single-occupant vehicle trips, especially at peak travel periods -since the single-occupant vehicle is an inefficient use of the transportation system because of its low occupancy and need for expensive parking space.


Research Park employees areopen to taking public transit: 9 out of 10 say they already take or would try transit.


Diversified Rider Pool

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Quick Facts

20% Daily Transit Commuters

$1000-$8000 Saved in Gas

1000 Trips Consolidated

1000 Parking Stalls

12 Buses and Transit Stops