Bicycling is an affordable, healthy, convenient, and sustainable way to commute to Research Park and to get around the park and greater University. We want to make it easier for you to ride a bike to, from, and in Research Park, and there is a growing number of resources for cyclists.
Bike Commuters of Research Park (Bike CoRP) is a recently organized group to promote and better enable bicycling to, from, and within Research Park.
Meanwhile, the University of Utah offers several resources for cyclists, including the University campus bike shop.
Your commute
Bicycling from your home to work at Research Park may initially seem daunting, but with the right information, and as the street and pathway infrastructure continues to improve, this may be a practical and productive option for you, whether once a month, once a week, or every day.
You can access Research Park from all directions. Refer to the map below for bicycle routes to the park.
Parking your bike and ending your trip
Bike parking locations can be found on the interactive campus map.
Around the Park
One of the benefits of bicycling to work at Research Park is having your bike to ride on trips within your day, such as meetings and lunch. The key Research Park street corridors of Wakara Way and Arapeen Drive have dedicated bike lanes. Efforts are underway to improve this network.
Here is a list of places to eat within easy bicycling distance of Research Park buildings.
The Bonneville Shoreline Trail
Research Park is lucky to lie directly alongside the Bonneville Shoreline Trail, which provides both a regional bicycle connection to Research Park and a place to recreate.